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Sunday, January 22, 2012

10K? We shall see.

Ok, so I am always look for ways to improve. I've been doing very well with eating right. I've been hitting the gym 5-6 times per week with with help of a new Y that only a few blocks away, and the help of my daughter who has been getting up at 5:15 a.m. to keep me motivated!!

Recently I singed up to run a 10K race that will be held on March 31st, 2012. Problem is...I am not a runner. I've signed up for the YMCA 10K training team and yesterday morning, in sleet and rain, we did our first mile. I was provided daily training calendar that will take me through the process of increasing mileage up to 6.2 miles/10K.

I'm excited at the prospect, but at the same time slightly intimidated by the challenge. If anyone has entered such a training team, please drop a note and let me know how it went. Any words of wisdom? Advice?

Thanks everyone. I hope 2012 has thus far been wonderful for you all.

Current stats: 209.1 lbs, 27% bf, 37" waist.

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